DOK Summit Bilbao 2024

DOK Summit - The catalyst of change in the ICT sector: Key factors of the digital and green transition
DOK Summit Bilbao has been an outstanding event of the technology sector in Southern Europe for many years, offering companies and organizations a unique opportunity to play a leading role in their field and connect with a highly qualified audience of sector professionals.
This year again, more than 2,500 professionals met in Euskalduna Bilbao between November 11 and 12, 2024 to share their experiences, discuss the latest trends and discover the new frontiers of open and green digital transition. The central theme of the event was how technologies can lead to the development of a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient digital economy.
The DOK Summit is both an international event and an ICT innovation platform, which brings together the main actors of the technology and knowledge sector (ICT) to analyze the challenges and opportunities offered by the open and green digital transition in the new data economy.
Smartdrop and DOK Summit: The resistance of irrigated plants to climate change
ISURCROP is a digital ecosystem based on IIoT, Big Data and data analytics to optimize the efficiency and productivity of irrigation infrastructure in the agricultural sector and its resilience to the effects of climate change, including the simulation of future scenarios. As an integral part of the concept, our Spanish partner presented the results of the SmartDrop project.
Interview with Iñaki Mutuberria, CEO of ISURKI, speaker at the DOK Summit 2024 – Bilbao:
Seacon’s projects at the INDAGRA

Seacon's projects were presented at the international exhibition INDAGRA.

Between October 30 and November 3, 2024, INDAGRA, the largest trade exhibition for agriculture, viticulture, horticulture and animal husbandry, will be held in pavilion B2 of the Romexpo Complex (Bucharest-Romania).
The event is organized by ROMEXPO and the Romanian Chambers of Commerce and Industry at the same time as the INDAGRA FOOD - International Fair.
The exhibition presents the latest trends in agriculture, viticulture, horticulture and animal husbandry, addressing Romanian and foreign companies. INDAGRA offers the opportunity to meet business partners, current and potential clients, within the framework necessary for business dialogue and in a professional environment. By organizing INDAGRA, Romexpo and its partners support and popularize the Romanian business environment, thereby promoting companies and their development policy.
Our Romanian partners presented here our common projects developed for smart agriculture and viticulture.
ENVIRONTEC Trade Exhibition

The ENVIROTEC powered by ÖKOINDUSTRIA exhibition is organized in the Congress and Exhibition Center HUNGEXPO Budapest between 1st and 3rd of October 2024. The aim of the event is for professional visitors interested in the latest sector and industry trends, EU regulations (taxonomy, ESG, ESRS, CSRD) and environmental technologies to learn about the innovations and effective solutions of the domestic and international environmental industry and, thanks to the regional business platform, new build business relationships for future collaborations.
Key Topics addressed:
- Circular economy, waste management
- Water management, waste water treatment
- Remediation and brownfield investments
- Air quality protection
- Environmental measurement and analysis
- Energy efficiency, renewable energy
- Infrastructure development, sustainable cities and towns
- Living water protection
- Ecoinnovations and startups in Central and Eastern Europe
During online and on-site B2B meetings arranged in advance with the help of the Enterprise Europe Network, it is possible to build new collaborations and relationships, and have targeted discussions with relevant partners.
Seacon's employees negotiate with Hungarian and foreign partners in the B2B section of the event regarding the company's international projects (SWAM, BioSmart, SmartDrop). The topic is cooperation with partners and further development opportunities.
Smart Water Utilities 2024
The SmartDrop project at the European Smart Water Utilities 2024 Exhibition and Conference

The European Smart Water Utilities 2024 Exhibition & Conference is the only event to deliver leading market intelligence and industry presentations on the latest water utilities and smart technological advancements for improving network efficiencies and operations.
Our SmartDrop project partner, Isurki participated in person on the event, where global water utilities and network services met with water leakage experts and smart water technology providers in Amsterdam on the 5th and 6th of June, 2024 to explore efficient and cost-effective solutions for the water utility industry.
Its CEO, Mr. Iñaki Mutuberria, explained to attendees from different countries the features and performances of the SmartDrop project in the context of the water efficiency and resilience concepts.
Key topics on this year’s agenda included:
- Making an economic assessment for water utility development
- Integrating smart water technologies into existing water infrastructure
- Strategies for managing and reducing water leakage across the network
- Looking at real-time data and cutting-edge communication technologies
- New technologies and know-how in IoT and AI for network automation
- End-user case studies and how to develop an optimal network

The panelists at the closing day event:

Speed-Match 2024 International Networking Event
Let’s find the aviation, railway and automotive sectors together
Speed Match International Networking Event 2024 was organized on 28-29 May 2024. The event focused on the aviation, railway and automotive sectors together. Thus, it is aimed that companies with similar production capabilities will establish cross-relationships and expand their business networks.
This event provided large companies, SMEs, chambers, clusters, investors, public institution and associations with an unique opportunity to establish business and technology partnerships.
Focus points were:
- Aviation Industry
- Railway Industry
- Automotive Supplier Industry
The Seacon's employees participated in the event, where 374 participants from 36 countries are registered and 286 business opportunities were published. The colleagues talked about cooperation and further development opportunities with Turkish, Portuguese, German, Spanish, Italian and UK partners
The main organizer is the Eskisehir Chamber of Industry from Turkey. One of the co-organisers was the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Fejér County.