KEY RISK INDICATORS IN THE MUSEUM: International workshop of the Museion project entitled „Understanding and controlling the environmental quality in museums through IoT” on the conference
The 9th International Conference on advanced materials and systems, Bucharest, Romania, 26-28 October 2022
National Research and Development Institute for Textiles and Leather (INCDTP)
Leather and Footwear Research Institute (ICPI)

A pilot project that exploits the synergy between conservation science and IT is hosted by the National Museum of Romanian Literature who offered two of its Memorial Houses as pilot study for this applied research project funded within Eureka Network Programme. A new approach to museum monitoring in time of climate changing.
The workshop organized by ICPI in the ICAMS conference covered several professional topics:
- Characteristics of the collections hosted by the Memorial Houses “Ion Minulescu” and “Liviu Rebreanu” of the National Museum of Romanian Literature, and their peculiar environmental requirements
- Technical aspects of the system implemented in the MUSEION project
- Key Risk Indicators (KRI) concept and Indoor Air Quality Index (IAQ index) calculation
- Supporting IAQ analysis and visualization based on real measurements
In addition to all this, the Q&A section also raised business-related questions about the conditions of use of the product on the customer side
Among the invited experts were relevant professionals from regional and national level museums of the partner countries and other foreign stakeholders, especially the institutions that participated in the APACHE project implemented with EU support on a similar topic.
The post of the Museum share on i-CON association facebook page: