Our partner in Museion project will participate as a speaker at the international professional conference

The Slovak National Museum and the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava organize the CSTI (Conservation Science, Technology and Industry) 2023 scientific conference in Bratislava Castle between 21.03.2023. and 23.03.2023. The theme of the year is the interdisciplinary research and protection of cultural heritage.
Our project partner will have the opportunity to present the challenges and results of our Museion project as a speaker.
The application of new scientific knowledge in the protection of cultural heritage is an everyday reality. The progress of the process is significantly influenced by the developing interdisciplinary cooperation and integration of several related disciplines.
Currently, the greatest progress and qualitative changes are taking place precisely at the interface of hitherto known scientific disciplines. The goal of the CSTI 2023 conference, entitled Interdisciplinary research and protection of cultural heritage, is to present the latest research and survey methods used in the protection of movable and immovable parts of cultural heritage, with an emphasis on their interdisciplinary character. The conference will also focus on a highly topical challenge of practice – strategies and policies for the application of conservation scientists in collection and memory institutions.
Expected thematic areas:
- progressive methods and procedures of diagnostics, conservation and restoration
- recent heritage, exploration, research and conservation
- study of interdisciplinary procedures in heritage protection application of environmental approaches in heritage protection
- experience and planned application of conservation scientists