The i2D-MSW project is fully labelled by the Celtic-Next Eureka Cluster

i2D-MSW: intelligence to Drive | Move-Save-Win
Project coordinator: Livedrive Lda (Portugal)
The project consortium has 12 members from Austria, Canada, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, UK.
The main objective of the project is to lead the driver to save Road Transport External and Internal Costs through lasting cultural behaviours changes.
As planned the applied technologies will provide fraud-proof, accurate calculations of External Costs savings due to any road sustainable action performed by a citizen, transforming them into Incentives.
Road, Mobility and Vehicles Data and Connectivity are at the core of tech developments and business solutions, as the required GDPR compliance.
Official project website at the Celtic-Next cluster:
Having more years experience in the area of fleet management Seacon will participate in the i2D-MSW project as IT technology provider and data analyser.