SmartGeoFish farm demonstration event
Date: 20/09/2022
Location: Szentes, Hungary

Objectives of the farm demonstration
The SmartGeoFish Farm demonstration aimed to demonstrate the implemented sensory based IoT system which was the core of the technology concept development service of the project. With the demonstration, we targeted to prove that the developed service is viable and flexible enough to intro-duce to other sectors. The farm demonstration was held at the premise of Geofish Ltd.
The target sectors were Food companies including aquaculture companies; representatives of Research and Higher Education organizations; Hungarian policy makers, DIHs, Clusters.
At the beginning of the demonstration Dániel Bakó (Geofish Ltd) welcomed the participants and explained the mission of Geofish Ltd. After that, the concept and objective of SmartGeoFish project was presented by Zsófia Kertész (Campden BRI Hungary as DIH).
Then Dr Dénes Gál introduced the operation of Geofish Ltd. After getting familiar with the RAS in general, the field walk and demonstration started. The feeding regime and the operation of biofilter were presented. The platform to operate the factory was showcased along with the water quality system in place to monitor the crucial components of the water impacting the quality of fish.
The presented solution was very rated as very useful and informative. The concept of the project was welcome by the attending policy makers. The presented solutions and the develop services are beneficial and easily adaptable to other business sectors.
Overall, the farm demonstration was a success. An online coaching session was organized to the project partners on the delivery of a farm demonstration and a manual was developed to establish clearly the goals of the event and the responsibilities as well.
Majority of the registered participants attended to the event and due to the informal format of the event, each participant contributed to the event.
A demonstráció célja
A Geofish Kft. telephelyén megtartott SmartGeoFish farm bemutató célja a megvalósított szenzoros IoT rendszer bemutatása volt, amely a projekt technológiai koncepció fejlesztési szolgáltatásának magját képezi. A demonstrációval azt kívántuk bebizonyítani, hogy a kifejlesztett szolgáltatás életképes és kellően rugalmas más üzleti ágazatokban számára is.
A tanyabemutatót a Geofish Kft. telephelyén tartották. A célszektorok az élelmiszeripari vállalatok voltak, beleértve az akvakultúra-vállalatokat; kutatási és felsőoktatási szervezetek képviselői; Magyar politikai döntéshozók, DIH-k, Klaszterek.