Title: Vehicle health and fraud detection solution for the road traffic developing improved on board unit, communication device and specific fleet operation support or controlling software tool as cloud based back-office application
Project start date: 01.03.2019.
Project end date: 28.02.2022.
Project implementation method: International Consortium
Consortium members:
International program: Eureka Network projects
Eurostars webpage: https://www.eurekanetwork.org/
International project ID: E! 13187-FLEETHEALTH
Project link: Eureka Project Database
National program: Az EUREKA programban való magyar részvétel támogatása
National project ID: 2018-2.1.3-EUREKA-2018-00027
Short description: FleetHealth provides novel hw/sw platform to deliver automated information to customers for fleet administration/back-office. It develops sensor set and improved on board unit to increase the data range derived in vehicles and completed the functionality of the fleet operation support solution called SeaFleet by vehicle health and fraud detection.
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